
Galette 0.9.3

I am happy to announce a new major release : Galette 0.9.3, as well as Auto and Events plugins.

Some new features have been added, like saving searches, and several bugs has been fixed!
You can note Galette is now available in new languages; and its documentation is now in english and french :)

You'll find the complete list of features and fixes in the changelog.

Big thanks to all contributors on this version!

Galette translation

Historically, Galette was available in English and French. A Spanish version did exists from a while, but it was not maintained and has been retired. A German version has been added more recently (which is also a little outdated today, unfortunately)...

I've recently decided to migrate Galette translations on a collaborative web platform, based on Weblate software. New languages have been added and integrated into Galette :)

Translation status

From now on all translations will be integrated in releases and in development version as it arises, whatever their advancement is. Galette languages management has been reworked to include and propose all languages to users.

In the future, I'll try to add documentation translation and official plugins.

No longer hesitate, join the community and help translating Galette!


A first corrective release Galette which fix various bugs declared until now.

Updating is strongly advised :)

Galette 0.9.2

After several months of work, the recipe of Galette 0.9.2 has been published!

On the news menu:

  • updated UI icons,
  • search members on name, surname, email, identifier, ... on contributions and transactions,
  • add a member identifier variable in PDF models and emails texts,
  • manage payment types,
  • remove passwords from emails,
  • ducplicate members,
  • ... (see Galette 0.9.2 full changelog).

I want to thank specially Danielle C. and « Les Amis de la Gendarmerie » for their substancial donation on the development of this release, especially on members search and identifier variable. Thanks!!

Some display bugs may happen with old plugins versions, that's why all old plugins will be marked as incompatible until updated. Most of the time, you'll just have to adjust minimal Galette version supported ;) All official plugins (Paypal, Fullcard, Maps, Auto and Events has been updated and are fully compatibles :)

This release requires PHP 7.1 minimum (older versions are no longer supported).

Merry X-Mas!


A minor fix release Galette that fixes member storage when unckecking checkboxes. We advice you to update :)
